
剛開始,Rootkit被定義為取得最高使用權限的工具,但是後期更是能施展隱匿檔案、行程、系統記錄的技術,也能夠擷取鍵盤和封包等資訊,透過更改核心的資料結構而達成!( ...,Arootkitisatypeofmalwaredesignedtogivehackersaccesstoandcontroloveratargetdevice.Althoughmostrootkitsaffectthesoftwareandthe ...,Arootkitisacollectionofcomputersoftware,typicallymalicious,designedtoenableaccesstoacomputeroranareaofits...

Day 10 - [病毒攻擊] Rookie 不!是Rootkit

剛開始,Rootkit 被定義為取得最高使用權限的工具,但是後期更是能施展隱匿檔案、行程、系統記錄的技術,也能夠擷取鍵盤和封包等資訊,透過更改核心的資料結構而達成!( ...

How to detect & prevent rootkits

A rootkit is a type of malware designed to give hackers access to and control over a target device. Although most rootkits affect the software and the ...


A rootkit is a collection of computer software, typically malicious, designed to enable access to a computer or an area of its software that is not ...


Rootkit最初用於善意用途,但駭客後來也用Rootkit入侵和攻擊他人的電腦系統,電腦病毒、間諜軟體等也常用Rootkit來隱藏蹤跡,大多數防毒軟體已將Rootkit歸類為有害的 ...


Contrary to popular perception, a rootkit is not a virus — it's malware. Admittedly, that may sound confusing. A virus is just one type of malware, and while a ...

Rootkit 是什麼以及如何檢測?

2023年3月9日 — Rootkit 是一種惡意軟體,旨在讓駭客存取和控制目標裝置。雖然大多數Rootkit 會影響軟體和作業系統,但某些也會感染電腦硬體和韌體。

What is a Rootkit & How to Remove it?

2021年7月22日 — A rootkit is a malicious software bundle designed to give unauthorized access to a computer or other software. Rootkits are hard to detect and ...

What is a rootkit?

A rootkit is a program or a collection of malicious software tools that give a threat actor remote access to and control over a computer or other system.

What is Rootkit? Attack Definition & Examples

2023年11月8日 — Rootkit malware is a collection of software designed to give malicious actors control of a computer network or application.


Rootkit 是指在終端使用者未同意或未知曉的情況下就在系統上安裝並執行程式碼的程式(或程式集合)。它們會在電腦上以隱形方式持續存在,且偵測不到。Rootkit 不會感染電腦 ...